2020 will be remembered for being one of the strangest, toughest and saddest years that many of us will have experienced. On the brighter side of things to some it has opened up a whole new way of work/life balance! The daily commute has changed from hours stuck on the M25 or sat in a train heading up to the City, to just walking into another room in the house, or walking down to the end of the garden to a new office, what a joy! This new way of working has become a firm favourite for many people, allowing them to put those wasted commuting hours to good use!
These changes have meant that there is now a massive increase in demand for properties away from busy towns to homes with gardens, and that extra room for a New Home Office! Bruce and Co., have been working hard advising people how they can adapt or change their property to make this happen. Extensions, Conversions it is all possible whilst increasing the value of our property. Many have also realised that properties in the South have massively increased in value due to the demand from folk moving out of the cities and wanting a comfortable country home to work from, so we have been busy helping people improve their properties, increasing their value ready for market.
A Beautiful house, needing a little more room for friends and family to come and stay. How about using that overgrown corner of the large garden providing some of the best views in Sussex? We set about designing and building a new timber built property in character with the existing house and surrounding area.

From humble beginnings to a charming new property just the job for visitors!
Just look at those feature windows! Perfect for the fabulous views.. nearly done!!

In the week leading up to Christmas whilst everyone was winding down for their break, Bruce & Co., were coming to the rescue of a couple living out at Ditchling. They had just added to their beautiful country home with a large detached two story building in their grounds housing a superb games room and gym. Although the building was not a Bruce & Co. creation we were more than happy to help. The entire roof had blown off into the neighbors garden! Although out of hours and whilst most companies had closed for Christmas, there was no time to waste with all their games and other equipment open to the elements! We erected scaffolding in a record time and fitted a heavy duty waterproof covering, ensuring that the whole building remained secure and dry over the Christmas period before we returned to start on a new roof. Result - Very happy customers (Photos to follow)
Meanwhile back in Bexhill all was not well with a giant wall collapsing onto a pavement and road in Cantalupe Road, 5 days and 6,000 bricks later its now better than new! (Photos to follow)
The Summer is fast approaching and despite the dreadful weather in the Winter/Spring, work all around the County is now fully underway!
HAVE YOU GOT AN OLD DETACHED GARAGE IN YOUR GARDEN? Did You know only around 75% of garages in the UK every see a car!!
What can you do to get more room for Grandparents who want to come and live with you, or guests who want to come and stay? Well a couple out at Seddlescombe who needed more rooms for friends and family invited us in to have a look at their property which had an old detached garage in their garden currently being used to hoard of junk! No time to waste! We set about building a lovely timber framed house which looked perfect in their garden, full of character and charm, with 2 bedrooms, lounge/dinning room and bathroom. It will have two bedrooms, lounge/dinning room and bathroom. The lounge will be made extra special with superb bi-fold doors opening up onto decking and overlooking some spectacular views.
A Customer called us in wanting more room for their washing machine, freezer, tumble dryer etc. Simple... we designed and constructed a brand new brick built Utility Room onto the side of the house - Result - very happy customer :)
TEENAGERS NEED AN EXTRA ROOM? And Don't Forget The Extra Bathroom!!

Could you make this your home office?! YES of course it would be perfect!
At this semi-detached 3 bedroomed house in St Leonards-on-Sea the answer was simple, once again the integral garage was being used to store years of 'stuff', 'stuff' which would probably never see the light of day and which has now headed off to the tip. Soon to be arriving in its place is a lovely new conversion holding a spacious bedroom with bathroom en-suite. Result - happy parents and more than happy kids!
And the work around Sussex continues.....